[8.5] The Forgotten Server v0.2.4 Mystic Spirit [B

Download:The Forgotten Server v0.2.4 Mystic Spirit DOWNLOAD
Skan:Scan Ots'a

Changed from char array to stringstream in several areas in the code for security reasons.
Rewrote guild commands code, not so deep code nesting anymore and a lot of bugs were fixed.
Possibility to disable rule violation reports code again, due to possible crashes.
/info command will now display account warnings.
Extended /newtype looktype range for new 8.5 looktypes.
New effects for /ghost command.
Fixed a major bug with multiclient check command.
Query destination improvements, will now access deeper containers.
Server save code improvements.
Performance improvements to queries which only fetches a single row (this only applies to queries where the filter isn't unique).
Optimized online status updating code.
Free premium code fixes.
Improved error messages during map load, most of them will now print the position.
New Lua functions: isPlayerPzLocked(cid), isDepot(uid)
Code cleanup and fixes to Lua functions: doPlayerAddPremiumDays and doPlayerRemovePremiumDays.
Fixed a bug with monsters which would cause summons to freeze if a player changed floor during its death delay.
NPC walkinterval value will no longer be overwritten by deprecated autowalk.
Players with access level will now be able to wear all outfits with all available addons.
Excessive Unjustified Killing doesn't give any account warning, so it shouldn't be giving account deletion either if player has enough warnings for that.
Protocol 8.5 support:
New icons: pigeon (protection zone) & red swords (protection zone-lock).
Loot message.
Dealt damage message.
New looktypes (including wedding outfits).
New objects.
New doors & windows.

1)Fire Village


